The Ultimate
Zinc Plating Company

On spec. On time. Or it’s on us.

For the 5th
Straight Year!

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Fiscal Year 2024


Watch Video - The Plateco Difference

Reject excuses. Demand perfection.

Failure is not an option
You might think that zinc plating metal parts is a simple process. We can’t blame you if you do. After all, many zinc electroplating companies seem to think the same thing.

And that’s why you’ve probably had to deal with excessive product defect rates and frequently missed delivery dates from your current zinc plater.

As far as we’re concerned, there’s no excuse for defective plated products or late deliveries.


On spec. On time. Or it’s on us.

This is our commitment to you:

We'll be on spec.

If we deliver a plated part to you that you reject for a quality problem that’s our fault, you won’t be charged for that part.

We'll be on time.

We are 95% on time, all of the time.

We'll be honest.

Whenever you receive information from us, it will be 100% accurate based on the information we have at our disposal.

We'll be your partner.

It would be an honor to have you as a customer, and we’ll always treat you that way. We’ll work cooperatively with you, because your success is our #1 priority.
All zinc plating companies
are not the same
So the next time your current plater gives you defective plated products or a late delivery, don’t accept any excuses; demand perfection.

Better yet, demand Plateco.

We treat zinc plating as an extremely complex process demanding state-of-the-art technology, painstaking planning, obsessive quality control, and a tremendous amount of talent. Because our customers don’t come to us for excuses; they come to us for perfection. And we’ll do whatever it takes to give them nothing less.”
Jim Schweich, Chief Executive Perfectionist

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